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Thursday, November 10, 2005
I discovered some cool artwork online a few months ago. I know Ragna does this so much better (introducing new artists), so I hope I'm not stepping on her toes.

The artist is Thomas Allen, and here's information about his artwork from a press release:

Inspired by a View-Master and “pop-up” books as a child, Allen became interested in recreating these three-dimensional experiences by using old books and pulp fiction paperbacks as still life subjects.

These beautiful volumes with scarred and wrinkled covers, discolored pages and fragile spines are not seen as precious commodities that should be stored on a shelf, but a voluminous inventory of actors and scenes just waiting for direction.

Allen gently cuts around the shape of his figures, physically releasing them from their two dimensional surface. They are brought to life from their pages and covers with detailed lighting and a thin focus. Pulled and positioned, their intended drama comes to life.

In “Recover”, castaways drift atop the very pages that document their ordeal. A love triangle is exposed and comes to life with seductive passion in “Reflex.”

Allen received his MFA at the University of Minnesota in 1996. He has received a fellowship from the Minnesota State Art Board in 2000 and the prestigious McKnight’s Artist Fellowship for Photographers in 1997.

I'm really drawn to this series of his for some reason. Is it the books? The 3-D effects?

These were shown at the Foley Gallery in New York, N.Y., from Dec. 2004 to Feb. 2005. I'm not sure if they are still there though.

Here are some more pieces.

posted by pimplomat @ 12:50 PM  
  • At Thursday, 10 November, 2005, Blogger Rachel said…

    they're awesome!

  • At Sunday, 22 January, 2006, Blogger Thomas Allen said…

    Thank you for your kind words about my work! I found you while searching google (I keep a web publicity file and check for periodic updates). New work is tentatively scheduled to appear at Foley Gallery this fall. I'm currently working on a mongraph. Love the blog by the way.

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