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Tales of a lost cheeseburger and bloodkisses
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
This is how the trip to NYC went down.


My plane leaves at 8:05 a.m. I wake up at 6:45 a.m. It takes me approximately 45 minutes to drive to the airport, so I wasn't going to be able to make that flight. I call ATA and reschedule for the 11:40 a.m. flight. They do and proceed to charge me an extra $350. I submit, though I'm not too happy about it. Thus, my spending money will be low for the weekend.

I finally arrive on the NYC streets around 7ish. long_division meets me and takes me to get some pizza. It was the size of my torso.

I eat, we leave and then go to meet my college friend at a bar. The beer was $10 for five bottles. We cleared out our buckets in no time.

We went to some other bar where a guy that sweats a lot sat very close to me and pushed me against the wall. It wasn't as sexy as it sounds.


I saw a lot of sites, such as Chinatown, the Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, etc., all the main tourist places. I even saw a guy with a cat on his head. A real, live cat. I love New York!

At night, long_division and I met some of her friends and another one of my college friends at the Remote Lounge. At this place, every table has a TV screen and a phone. You can browse the people at other tables and call them and try to pick them up. It was a slow night, so none of use got hit on. We then headed to another bar where we proceeded to play dominoes.

I asked a girl to dance at that place; I was turned down. I hate New York!

After that, we closed out another bar and didn't get home until 4:30 a.m. long_division was hungry and thought she left her cheeseburger in her apartment somewhere. It was lost. Oh wait. Maybe she lost her cheeseburger on Friday night. Well anyway, if anyone sees a lost cheeseburger wandering about, please send it to NYC c/o long_division.


We slept in and went to Central Park and Strawberry Fields. We watched street performers and received free juice and apples from someone promoting breast cancer awareness.

At night, we met my friend from Friday night and ate at a cool restaurant named Kenka. It offers $1.50 pints and bull penis to eat. I stuck with the pork dumplings. Also on the bill was free cotton candy. I'm back to loving New York!

All and all, it was a fun trip, and there is tons to do. I'll definitely go back. I didn't get to make out with any single girls; however, there's always next time (hellooooo Ashley!). I want to thank my friend Mike for footing the drink bill on Saturday and Sergi for footing the bill on Sunday. Without them, NYC would have been a dry, sober event for me and long_division.

posted by pimplomat @ 3:41 PM  
  • At Thursday, 20 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do you mean breast cancer awareness?

    Also: All and all, it was a fun trip, and there a lot tons to do. That doesn't make any sense. Some editor!

    I'm glad you were able to spend more than four hours in the city this time. :)

  • At Thursday, 20 October, 2005, Blogger pimplomat said…

    I fixed my mistakes. Please don't let the Editor's Guild know about them.

  • At Thursday, 20 October, 2005, Blogger Long_Division said…

    The pizza was as big as my torso. And I lost my cheeseburger on Friday night. I hope that someone reading this in another country believes that "cheeseburger" means "virginity." You know, just to jazz things up.

  • At Friday, 21 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Whoa. Based on this post I thought you were a girl (which isn't an insult; I'm a girl). I had to go a little further back to realize you weren't.

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