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Books and the blogger who loves them
Monday, November 07, 2005
A lot of people know that I don't need much sleep to function daily, and when I'm not sleeping, I'm either browsing the Internet, watching a movie, playing music, having drinks in a bar or reading.

I can be somewhat impulsive when it comes to books. If someone recommends a book to me, I pretty much immediately buy it and start in on it. So, here's my list of what's rotating on my "now reading" list.

The Novel 100 by Daniel S. Burt
The Undertaking by Thomas Lynch
It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
American Poetry Since 1915 by Stephen Stepanchev
Will in the World by Stephen Greenblatt
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Ten Theories of Human Nature by Leslie Stevenson & David L. Haberman

See, that's too many books to be switching out night after night (and that's not even counting the poetry books for which I need to read and write reviews). I need to prioritize.

This where you, dear Pimplomat readers, can help. Out of those books listed, please tell me which one I should be primarily reading (I'm about in the same place in all of them).

Thank you.
posted by pimplomat @ 10:47 PM  
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