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Art Gallery Crashers
Sunday, November 06, 2005
I always value my friends, and I'm there for them when they need me. Well, after my weekend was dramatically altered on Friday night, I'm appreciating that they are there for me, too.

Many of them don't read this blog (or even know that I write one), but I'd like to take the time to thank some people. Just putting the "thank-yous" in the universe will hopefully put some positive in the world.

Thank you Blair, Katie, Eric, Val, Liz and Tracy for drinks late Friday and for helping keep my head up.

Thank you Chad for the movie during the day on Saturday and for having lunch with me. Thank you Michaela for taking me to the art gallery openings Saturday evening. We have decided to become art gallery crashers for all the free wine and food. And thank you Ryan, Taylor, and Katie (once again) for hanging out with me Saturday night.

Thank you Karen for lunch on Sunday and for going book shopping with me. Thank you Jill for talking with me and understanding what I'm going through.

And finally, but definitely not last, I want to thank Long Division. Long Division and I have been excellent friends for almost three years. She truly is one of my best friends, and she's always there for me during good and bad times. I can always count on her, and I know she's going to shoot straight with me. Thank you Long Division, and I really hope something good comes out of all of this.

It's wonderful to be surrounded by such great people when I'm feeling like shit. I thank you all.
posted by pimplomat @ 1:45 PM  
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