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Pumpkin Seed Cheese Snacker Krackers are good
Monday, January 16, 2006
As Jim Anchower says, I know it's been a long time since I rapped at ya, so here is the Pimplomat update.

1) Michaela, Landon, and I attended some more art openings on Friday. One was for artist Scott Barber, who passed away in 2005 because of leukemia. Upon entering the gallery, I wasn't that impressed with the art. But as I walked through the gallery, drinking my free wine, I began to appreciate the works more. They were like clouds, in that you know they're there, but you don't really pay attention to them. But when you do, you can start to see all sorts of shapes and figures, helped by your imagination. Visit Barry Whistler Gallery, click on Scott Barber on the front page, and then click on numbers seven and eight for examples of what was shown on Friday.

2) The White Ghost Shivers brought down the house at the Doublewide. Any band that throws down a Charleston dance-off is tops in my book.

3) Wine. It was everywhere. I had my bi-monthly wine party this past weekend. Usually, about 15 people show up. Not this time. This time, we had 28 bottles to judge, and about twice that many people in and out during the night. Leah was the big winner for the night. She took home $28 and a shitload of pride. On the opposite end, the as always lovely Wee Demon took home last place. This is fitting, since she doesn't like wine to begin with. She was a sport, attending the party with a sore throat and all. Basically, I think she just wanted to see me.

4) The new Woody Allen movie, Match Point, is good. Go see it. It's nothing like he's done before.

5) I went clothes shopping for the first time in more than a year. I'm happy to find out that I've lost two inches off my waist.

6) I've been roped into reading Crime and Punishment by Chad's girlfriend. She was complaining recently that she has no one to read and discuss books with, so I offered to read a book with her. I told her it was her choice, and she choose C&P. Out of the hundreds of books I have, it's one I don't already own. Half Price Books here I come.

7) There's this great band playing on 26 January and 15 February. I expect you all to be there. You can crash at my place.
posted by pimplomat @ 7:11 AM  
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